The statistics are alarming! Many people are checking their phones between 300 – 800 times a day!
Now that over 77% of Americans own smartphones, how it this impacting our lives? The sad thing is that these “smartphones” are not being used very smartly! Our smartphones have taken our attention. Behavioral science, sociological science is taking not how this small powerful device is affecting us. They are holding it and supplying only sort snippets of sound bites, and micro flips of information. How much information? There are 2 billion transistors in every smartphone! We have access to so much information now that we are information overloaded! Our senses are getting desensitized.
These little cleaver hand held devices are controlling our lives instead of us controlling them. Our attentions spans have shrunk to where we have difficulty paying attention to anything that is over just a few minutes in length.
When does slow reading happen in today’s fast passed smartphone world? As publishers of Creation Illustrated magazine our subscription count is a reflection of this battle? People are just not reading or have the time to read.
The questions need to be asked. Is it important to expose ourselves to quality slow reading material? How does a family and individual learn to smartly use media in balance and create time to slow read every day? Do you think this is important? Are you convicted to make improvements in your schedule and the way you live to slow read more?
If you flip through the majority of today’s magazines you will find an average of 50:50 or 60:40 ad ration. This past fall Creation Illustrated decided to move to 0% outside ads in it’s printed hard copy editions. What we have increase is the scripture ratio. On average there are over 75 scripture referenced in each edition of CI.
Taste and See that the Lord and His wonderful Creation is GOOD!