Summer break offers a wonderful opportunity for children to relax, but it can also be a challenge for parents to keep them engaged and learning. According to Psalm 127:3, “Children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” This sentiment highlights the importance of nurturing and providing enriching experiences for our children. Here are some great ways to keep your kids busy and learning throughout the summer.

Enroll in Summer Activities

Scouts or Church Youth Programs

Programs like the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are affordable, with annual memberships around $25 plus additional costs for uniforms and trips. These organizations offer camps, programs, and activities that promote teamwork and personal development. Church youth groups provide similar opportunities, often at lower costs.

Local Library Programs

Check with your local library for summer day camps and study programs. Many libraries offer free or low-cost educational activities that run throughout the summer, fostering a love for reading and learning.

Kids Reading

Sur La Table Summer Series Cooking Classes

Sur La Table offers cooking classes for kids aged 8 to 12 and teens 13 to 17, priced at approximately $250. These classes are a fun way for children to learn valuable cooking skills and develop a passion for culinary arts.

Explore Unit Studies

Unit studies like those offered by Creation Illustrated can make learning fun and engaging. Topics such as the Alpaca Unit Study, Manatees Unit Study, and Orchid Unit Study provide in-depth exploration of interesting subjects. These studies are more than just reading material; they offer a sensory-rich experience that enhances memory and understanding.  Each Unit Study includes Science, Bible Study, Language Arts, History, Math, Geography, Art, Activities, and a Teacher’s Answer Key.

Encourage Reading on Paper

Reading physical books instead of screens can greatly benefit your children. Create a habit of reading nature articles from publications like Creation Illustrated. Set aside quiet time for your kids to read and explore the outdoors through literature. Balance screen time with paper reading to support their overall development.

Join Summer Skills Programs

Local community associations and churches often offer summer programs teaching life skills like repairing items, managing money, and helping the elderly. If such programs are not available, consider organizing one for your community. Additionally, sports programs like swimming or basketball are excellent for developing teamwork and physical fitness.


Make Good Memories

Summer is a time to create lasting memories with your children. Even if they are enrolled in camps or courses, plan special activities to enjoy together. Join them in their activities, plan family outings, and make the most of the time you have. These experiences will be cherished for years to come.


Keeping your children engaged and learning during summer break is crucial for their development. Subscribe to Creation Illustrated now and let your kids experience the joy of learning and discovery. Proverbs 22:6 advises, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” By offering enriching activities, you ensure your children grow into well-rounded individuals. Assess which programs best suit their needs and enjoy a summer filled with growth, learning, and wonderful memories.

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